- By Chris Ogbonna


This handbook is designed to serve as a resource for all staff members, providing an overview of our organization’s mission, values, policies, and procedures. By understanding these important details, you can contribute more effectively to our shared goals and create a positive and productive work environment.

Our Mission and Values

      1. About Us: Briefly describe your organization and areas of work.

      2. Mission: Briefly state your organization’s purpose and aspirations.

      3. Values: Outline the core principles that guide your organization’s decision-making and behaviours.

Our Organization Process

      1. Employment at a Glance: Highlight key information like work hours, communication channels, and expected conduct.

      2. Equal Opportunity & Non-Discrimination: Clearly state your commitment to equal opportunity and condemn discrimination based on any protected characteristic.


      1. Types of Employment: Describe different employment types (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract) and probationary periods.

      2. Compensation and Benefits: Explain salary structures, leave policies, health insurance, and other benefits offered.

      3. Performance Management: Describe the performance evaluation process, including frequency, feedback loops, and career development opportunities.

Working Condition

      1. Work Hours and Schedule: Specify standard working hours, overtime procedures, and flexible work arrangements.

      2. Dress Code and Professional Conduct: Outline expectations for professional attire and behaviour within the workplace.

      3. Health and Safety: Describe safety protocols, accident reporting procedures, and emergency response plans.

Policies and Procedures

      1. Anti-Discrimination and Harassment: State your commitment to equal opportunity and outline mechanisms for reporting and addressing discrimination or harassment.

      2. Conflicts of Interest: Define conflicts of interest, outline disclosure procedures, and explain measures to avoid them.

      3. Confidentiality and Data Protection: Emphasize the importance of confidentiality and detail data protection measures in place.

      4. Grievance and Complaint Procedures: Explain how employees can raise concerns and file complaints, ensuring confidential and fair resolution processes.

code of ethics

      1. Ethical Conduct: Establish clear expectations for ethical behaviour regarding financial management, fundraising activities, interactions with beneficiaries, and representation of the organization.

      2. Gifts and Hospitality: Specify policies on accepting gifts and engaging in hospitality activities.

Communication and Collaboration

      1. Communication Channels: Explain preferred methods for internal communication (e.g., email, meetings, team collaboration tools).

      2. Feedback and Suggestions: Encourage open communication and outline opportunities for staff to provide feedback and suggestions.

      3. Teamwork and Collaboration: Emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaborative work practices.

Learning and Development

      1. Training and Development Opportunities: Describe opportunities for professional development and skills enhancement offered by the organization.

      2. Encouragement for Continuous Learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement.

Termination of Employment

      1. Resignation: Briefly explain the resignation process and required notice period.

      2. Termination: Briefly outline grounds for termination and severance pay policies.


      1. Include relevant forms, contact information, and additional resources as needed.


  • If your organization has a legal counsel team, consult with them to ensure compliance with all relevant Nigerian labour laws and regulations.

  • Engage your staff in the development and revision of the handbook, fostering a sense of ownership and transparency.

  • Where possible, translate the handbook into local languages to ensure clear communication with all staff members.

  • Regularly review and update the handbook to reflect changes in policies, procedures, and legislation.