- Chris Ogbonna


A brief description and background of the organization.



Geographical focus:

This comprehensive resourcing plan meticulously outlines the organizations approach towards:

Outline the organization’s plan towards resource mobilization and strategy (E.g.: Solidifying funding resources, optimizing resource utilization, amplifying resource mobilization efforts, effectively engaging stakeholders, Implementing monitoring and evaluation).


Goal 1:

  • Rationale:
  • Justification:

Goal 2:

  • Rationale:
  • Justification 

Funding Landscape Analysis

The Funding Landscape Analysis section within this resourcing plan and strategy serves a critical purpose. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current and potential funding sources available to the coalition, allowing for informed decision-making when developing resource mobilization strategies.

Existing Sources

  • List all existing funding sources.

Potential New Sources

This section identifies potential new avenues for funding the initiatives. Each category deserves further exploration.

Conducting a Comprehensive Analysis

It’s important to go beyond simply identifying potential sources. Each source requires further analysis, considering factors like:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Does the organization meet the requirements to apply for funding?
  • Competition: How many other organizations compete for the same funding?
  • Success Rates: What is the historical success rate of similar organizations in securing funding?
  • Reporting Requirements: What are the reporting requirements associated with the funding?

 Operational Cost Assessment

The Operational Cost Assessment section in this plan plays a vital role in determining the financial resources needed to achieve its goals. This section should meticulously outline the various categories of expenses the organization incurs to operate effectively.

Cost Categories

  • Staff salaries and benefits: This category accounts for the compensation and benefits packages offered to xxx employees, including salaries, healthcare, insurance, and other relevant benefits. It’s crucial to accurately estimate the number of staff members required, their respective salaries, and additional benefits costs to arrive at a realistic figure.
  • Office rents and supplies: This category includes the cost of renting office space, utilities (electricity, water, internet), office equipment (computers, printers), and essential supplies (stationery, printing paper). Analyzing current expenses and potential future requirements for office space and supplies is necessary for accurate budgeting.
  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E): M&E activities are essential for measuring the impact of the organization’s programs and ensuring accountability to donors and stakeholders. This category should account for the costs associated with conducting program evaluations, data collection and analysis, and reporting activities.
  • Program expenses: This category encompasses the expenses directly related to the execution of the organization’s programs. It can include various costs depending on the specific programs, such as:
    • Training materials: Costs associated with developing training modules, handouts, or other materials for program participants.
    • Travels: Costs incurred for staff travel related to program implementation (e.g., field visits, meetings with beneficiaries).
    • Materials and equipment: Costs associated with any materials or equipment needed for program delivery.


Importance of Cost Accuracy

Accurately estimating operational costs is crucial for several reasons:

  • Securing funding: A realistic cost assessment helps the organization demonstrate to potential donors the specific amount of funding needed to effectively carry out its programs.
  • Budgeting and resource allocation: It allows for informed budgeting decisions, ensuring efficient allocation of resources towards various operational needs.
  • Cost control and efficiency: Monitoring actual expenses against the estimated costs enables the organization to identify areas for cost-saving and improve operational efficiency.

Cost-Saving Strategies

The plan should acknowledge the importance of responsible resource management and outline specific cost-saving strategies that the organization can implement. These might include:

  • Volunteer recruitment: Utilizing volunteers for specific tasks can reduce reliance on paid staff and minimize personnel costs.
  • Resource sharing with other organizations: Collaborating with other organizations to share office space, equipment, or other resources can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Negotiating discounts with vendors: Negotiating favourable pricing with vendors for supplies, services, or equipment can help the organization stretch its budget further. 

Resourcing Strategy/Mechanisms

The organization’s resourcing plan needs a robust and diverse set of strategies to secure the necessary financial, human, material, and information resources. Here’s an elaboration on the strategies outlined in the plan:

Grant Proposal

  • Developing compelling proposals: This involves crafting proposals that clearly articulate the organization’s mission, programs, and impact in a way that resonates with donor priorities. Highlighting the organization’s expertise, experience, and track record of success is crucial.
  • Aligning with donor priorities: Thoroughly researching potential donors’ funding interests and tailoring proposals to specifically address those priorities significantly increases the chances of securing funding.
  • Effective communication: Proposals should be well-written, and concise, and effectively communicate the organization’s value proposition to potential donors.

Fundraising Events

  • Organizing Events: This can involve planning galas, charity dinners, auctions, or even community-based events like walkathons or sporting events.
  • Raising Awareness: Fundraising events can serve a dual purpose: generating income and raising public awareness about the organization’s work and the issues it addresses.
  • Engaging the Community: Involving the community in fundraising events fosters a sense of ownership and broadens the organization’s support base.

Individual Giving

  • Developing a Strategy: This involves identifying target demographics or groups with a potential interest in supporting the organization’s cause.
  • Targeted campaigns: Utilizing various channels like email marketing, social media campaigns, or direct mail appeals tailored to specific audiences can be highly effective.
  • Relationship building: Cultivating relationships with individual donors through personalized communication, expressing gratitude, and keeping them informed about the organization’s impact can encourage continued support.

Corporate Partnership

  • Identify potential partners: Researching companies whose values and social responsibility initiatives align with the organization’s mission is crucial.
  • Exploring partnership opportunities: This could involve seeking sponsorships, cause-related marketing collaborations, or in-kind donations of resources or expertise from corporations.
  • Mutually beneficial partnerships: Structuring partnerships that offer benefits to both the organization and the corporation can lead to long-term, sustainable collaborations.


  • Engaging with policymakers: Engaging with government officials and policymakers can influence public funding decisions and raise awareness about the issues the organization addresses.
  • Building a coalition: Collaborating with other CSOs working on similar issues can amplify advocacy efforts and lead to more impactful results.
  • Public awareness campaigns: Raising public awareness about the importance of the organization’s work and the issues it tackles can garner public support and potentially influence policy changes that benefit the organization and the communities it serves.

Stakeholders Engagement Plan

The organization’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan plays a crucial role in securing resources, building support, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of its initiatives. This plan outlines a strategic approach to effectively engage with various individuals and groups who have a vested interest in the organization’s work. Here’s an elaboration on the key elements:

Identify Key stakeholders

  • Government Agencies: This includes relevant ministries, departments, and local government officials who can provide funding, policy support, and collaboration opportunities.
  • Donors: Existing and potential donors, including individual donors, private foundations, and government grant agencies, are crucial stakeholders whose continued support is essential
  • Private Sectors: Local businesses, corporations, and industry leaders can be valuable partners, offering financial resources, in-kind donations, or expertise.
  • Community Leaders: Engaging with traditional and community leaders fosters trust, facilitates program implementation within communities, and ensures the organization’s work aligns with community needs.
  • Beneficiaries: The individuals and communities directly impacted by the organization’s programs are key stakeholders whose voices and perspectives should be heard and integrated throughout the engagement process.

Engagement Strategies

  • Regular meetings: Scheduling regular meetings with key stakeholders allows for open communication, information sharing, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Workshops and training: Organizing workshops and training sessions can provide capacity-building opportunities for stakeholders and strengthen their understanding of the organization’s work.
  • Information Sharing: Regularly sharing updates, reports, and success stories with stakeholders keeps them informed and invested in the organization’s progress.
  • Participation in events: Participating in relevant events (conferences, workshops, community gatherings) allows the organization to connect with stakeholders, raise awareness, and build relationships.

Developing Strong Relationships

  • Building trust and transparency: Open communication, honest dialogue, and ethical conduct are essential for building trust and fostering long-lasting relationships with stakeholders.
  • Demonstrating values: Highlighting the impact of the organization’s work and showcasing how it benefits stakeholders can strengthen their commitment to supporting the organization.
  • Active listening and responsiveness: Paying close attention to stakeholders’ concerns, suggestions, and feedback demonstrates respect and encourages continued engagement.

Benefits of Effective Stakeholder Engagement

  • Increased access to resources: Strong relationships with stakeholders can open doors to new funding opportunities, partnerships, and in-kind donations.
  • Enhanced program effectiveness: By involving stakeholders in the planning and implementation of programs, the organization can ensure its initiatives are relevant, culturally appropriate, and address community needs effectively.
  • Improved sustainability: Building strong relationships with stakeholders fosters long-term support and contributes to the overall sustainability of the organization’s work.


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

The organization’s M&E framework plays a critical role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of its resource mobilization efforts.  Here’s a breakdown of how M&E can be implemented within the organization’s resourcing plan:

Tracking Progress Towards Resource Mobilization Goals

  • Define clear and measurable indicators for each resource mobilization goal (e.g., number of grant proposals submitted, amount of funding secured from individual donors, number of corporate partnerships established).
  • Regularly track progress towards these indicators (e.g., monthly, quarterly) to assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies.
  • Utilize data visualization tools (charts, graphs) to present progress reports to stakeholders, allowing for a clear understanding of achievements and areas for improvement.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Fundraising Efforts

  • Analyze the cost-effectiveness of various fundraising strategies (e.g., cost per dollar raised for different fundraising events or marketing campaigns).
  • Identify which strategies generate the most significant return on investment (ROI) in terms of resources secured.
  • Use this data to optimize resource allocation and prioritize the most effective fundraising approaches.

Conducting Regular Evaluations

  • Conduct periodic evaluations (e.g., annually) of the overall resourcing plan and M&E framework.
  • Evaluate the relevance, efficiency, and impact of the implemented strategies.
  • Gather feedback from staff, stakeholders, and donors to identify areas for improvement.
  • Based on the evaluation findings, adjust the resourcing plan and M&E framework as needed to ensure continued effectiveness.

Benefits of a Robust M&E System

  • Improved decision-making: Data gathered through M&E empowers the organization to make informed decisions about resource allocation, identify areas for improvement, and refine its resourcing strategies.
  • Accountability and transparency: M&E data allows the organization to demonstrate to stakeholders how efficiently and effectively it utilizes resources to achieve its goals.
  • Enhanced learning and adaptation: By analyzing M&E data, the organization can learn from its successes and failures, continuously improve its resource mobilization efforts, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Actionable Measures

  • Develop a clear M&E plan outlining the specific data to be collected, methods of data collection, and frequency of analysis.
  • Assign clear roles and responsibilities for implementing the M&E framework within the organization.
  • Invest in M&E capacity building by training staff on data collection, analysis, and reporting techniques.


The organization’s meticulously crafted resourcing plan and strategy to serve as a roadmap to secure the essential financial, human, material, and information resources required to fuel its ongoing mission. This comprehensive document outlines a diverse array of strategies and emphasizes the significance of:

  • Diversifying funding sources: Moving beyond current sources and securing funding from government grants, corporate partnerships, and individual giving is crucial for long-term financial stability and resilience.
  • Responsible resource management: Implementing cost-saving strategies like volunteer recruitment and resource sharing demonstrates the organization’s commitment to efficient resource utilization.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Cultivating strong relationships with government agencies, donors, private sector representatives, and community leaders fosters collaboration, opens doors to new opportunities, and ensures the organization’s work aligns with community needs.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Regularly tracking progress, measuring the effectiveness of strategies, and conducting periodic evaluations ensure continuous improvement and adaptation of the resourcing plan.

By diligently implementing the strategies outlined in this plan and continuously monitoring and adapting its approach, the organization can confidently navigate the resource landscape. This will allow the organization to secure the necessary support, empower communities in Adamawa state, and ultimately create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

This resourcing plan and strategy is a “living” and adaptable document that should be revisited and updated periodically by the organization to reflect changing circumstances, emerging opportunities, and new insights gained through the M&E process. By remaining adaptable and responsive, the organization can ensure its long-term success in securing resources and fulfilling its mission of improving lives.