- Chris Ogbonna

Guidance Note:

This template will guide you, aspiring Nigerians and civil society actors, through the process of writing a compelling project proposal for funders.

  1. Executive Summary
  • A concise overview (1-2 pages) highlighting your project’s purpose, objectives, activities, and expected impact.
  1. Problem Statement
  • Clearly identify the specific issue or challenge your project addresses within the Nigerian context.
  • Use data and statistics to demonstrate the severity of the problem and its impact on Nigerians.
  • Explain how this issue connects to broader national or regional development challenges.
  1. Project Objectives and Activities
  • Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) objectives for your project. These objectives should directly address the problem statement. (e.g., “Reduce school dropout rates for girls in rural communities by 20% within two years.”)
  • Outline the specific activities you will undertake to achieve your objectives. Each activity should be directly linked to an objective and demonstrate how it will contribute to achieving it.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
  • Describe how you will track your project’s progress and measure its success against your objectives.
  • Define clear indicators for each objective that will be used to collect data throughout the project.
  • Explain how you will collect and analyze data (surveys, interviews, focus groups).
  • Outline a plan for reporting findings to stakeholders.
  1. Budget and Resource Allocation
  • Create a realistic budget outlining all anticipated project expenses.
  • Clearly explain how you will allocate resources (personnel, materials, equipment, etc.) to each project activity.
  • Consider including justifications for major cost items.
  1. Sustainability Plan
  • Briefly explain how the project’s benefits will be sustained beyond its funding period. This could involve building local capacity, creating partnerships, or advocating for policy changes.
  1. Organizational Capacity
  • Briefly showcase your organization’s experience and expertise in implementing similar projects.
  • Highlight the qualifications of your team members and their ability to manage the project effectively.


  • Tailor Your Proposal: Research the specific interests and funding priorities of your target funders.
  • Clarity and Concision: Use clear, concise language and avoid technical jargon.
  • Strong Call to Action: Conclude your proposal with a compelling call to action, urging the funder to support your project.