- Chris Anthony Ogbonna


Imagine this: You’ve poured your heart and soul into developing a resourcing plan for your local NGO in Nigeria. You’ve identified innovative strategies to raise funds, secure grants, and build a sustainable financial base. But how will you know if your plan is actually working? This is where monitoring and evaluation (M&E) come in.

Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is crucial for any local NGO, especially women-led organizations, to ensure their resourcing plan is achieving its objectives and maximizing impact. It acts as your compass, guiding you towards achieving your resourcing goals and maximizing the impact of your organization. It’s especially crucial for women-led NGOs in Nigeria, which often face unique challenges in securing resources.

Here’s why effective M&E is critical for your organization:

  • Ensures Accountability: Donors and stakeholders need to see their contributions are used effectively. M&E demonstrates responsible financial management and fosters trust in your organization.
  • Improves Efficiency: By tracking progress, you can identify which fundraising strategies are most effective and where resources can be better allocated. This allows you to optimize your efforts and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
  • Promotes Learning and Growth: M&E provides valuable insights that can be used to refine your resourcing plan over time. You can learn from past successes and failures, adapt your strategies, and continuously improve your fundraising efforts.
  • Strengthens Advocacy for Women Leaders: For women-led NGOs, M&E data can be a powerful tool. By showcasing the impact your organization has, particularly on women and girls, you can counter potential bias and demonstrate the vital role your organization plays in the community.

This guidance note equips you with the tools and tips to implement a robust M&E system for your resourcing plan, helping you navigate the dynamic fundraising landscape in Nigeria and ensure your women-led organization thrives.

Developing Your Monitoring Framework

The monitoring framework acts as the backbone of your M&E system for the resourcing plan.   Here’s a closer look at how to develop a framework that is tailored to your specific needs:

Ensuring Alignment

  • Mirror Your Resourcing Plan: Your monitoring framework should directly reflect the goals and objectives outlined in your resourcing plan. This ensures that you are tracking the right metrics and measuring progress towards achieving your desired outcomes.
  • Break Down Broad Goals: If your resourcing plan has broad goals (e.g., “Increase funding from local sources”), break them down into more specific and measurable objectives (e.g., “Secure ten new corporate partnerships within the next year”). This provides a clearer picture of what success looks like.

Defining SMART KPIs

SMART Formula: Develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each of your resourcing strategies.

  • Specific: Your KPIs should clearly define what you are measuring (e.g., “Number of grant proposals submitted”).
  • Measurable: Ensure you can quantify the KPI using data collection methods (e.g., tracking software, online forms).
  • Achievable: Set ambitious but realistic targets for each KPI.
  • Relevant: The KPIs should directly link to the objectives of your resourcing plan.
  • Time-Bound: Establish a timeframe for achieving each KPI (e.g., by the end of the quarter).

Going Beyond Numbers: Qualitative Measures

  • Quantitative and Qualitative: While quantitative data (e.g., amount of funds raised) is essential, don’t neglect qualitative aspects. Develop KPIs that capture donor satisfaction with your fundraising efforts or the effectiveness of training programs for fundraising staff.
  • Surveys and Focus Groups: Gather qualitative data through surveys, focus group discussions, or interviews with donors and key stakeholders. This feedback can provide valuable insights into your fundraising efforts.

Centering Gender in Your Framework

  • Disaggregation by Gender: Make gender disaggregation a core principle of your monitoring framework. Track data on your resource mobilization efforts by gender. This includes:
    • Who are your donors? Are you successfully attracting women donors?
    • How are resources allocated? Does your funding support programs that benefit women and girls?
    • Who benefits from your programs? Are you reaching the intended female beneficiaries?
  • Understanding Your Impact on Women: By disaggregating data by gender, you can demonstrate the specific impact your women-led organization has on the lives of women and girls in your community. This data can be a powerful advocacy tool for securing additional resources.

By following these steps, you can develop a robust monitoring framework that provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your resourcing plan and empowers your women-led NGO to achieve its fundraising goals.

Monitoring Activities for a Dynamic Resourcing Plan

The monitoring framework provides the blueprint, but effective M&E requires ongoing monitoring activities to gather the data you need. Here’s how to translate theory into practice:

Building a Data Collection System

  • Identify Data Sources:  Determine the most appropriate methods for collecting data on your resourcing activities based on your chosen KPIs. This may include:
    • Online Forms: Develop online forms to collect data from donors after fundraising events or grant applications.
    • Surveys: Conduct periodic surveys to assess donor satisfaction with your communication and engagement efforts.
    • Fundraising Software: Utilize software specifically designed for fundraising activities. Many platforms can track metrics such as the number of proposals submitted, donations received, and donor demographics.
    • Manual Tracking Systems: If resources are limited, consider using manual systems such as spreadsheets to track key data points.
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy: Establish procedures to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your data collection. This may involve data entry protocols and regular data validation checks.

Tracking Progress Through Reports

  • Regular Progress Reports:  Develop regular progress reports (e.g., monthly or quarterly) that track your progress towards achieving your resource mobilization goals as outlined in your KPIs.  These reports should showcase:
    • Actual performance compared to planned targets for each KPI.
    • Challenges encountered in achieving specific objectives.
    • Key learnings and insights gleaned from your data analysis.

Disseminating Reports:  Share progress reports with relevant stakeholders, such as your board of directors, donors, and staff.  Transparency and accountability are crucial for building trust and attracting continued support.

Identifying Trends for Continuous Improvement

  • Data Analysis:  Analyze the data you collect on a regular basis to identify trends and patterns in your resource mobilization efforts.  Look for answers to questions like:
    • Which fundraising strategies are generating the most resources?
    • Are there specific donor segments that are more responsive to your outreach efforts?
    • Are there any unexpected challenges impacting your fundraising success?

Adapting Your Strategies: Don’t let your resourcing plan become static.  Use the insights gained from your data analysis to adapt your fundraising strategies and optimize your resource mobilization efforts. Focus on replicating successful tactics and addressing areas where you might be falling short.

By consistently collecting data, generating progress reports, and identifying trends, you can monitor your resourcing plan in real time.  This ongoing process allows you to make informed decisions and ensure your women-led NGO is on track to achieving its financial goals.

Evaluation Strategies for a Sustainable Resourcing Plan

Monitoring provides a continuous snapshot of your resourcing plan’s performance.  Evaluation, on the other hand, takes a more comprehensive look at its overall effectiveness and impact. Here are key evaluation strategies to consider for your women-led NGO in Nigeria:

  • Assessing Effectiveness Through Mid-Term and Final Evaluations
  • Mid-Term Check-in:  Conduct a mid-term evaluation of your resourcing plan, typically halfway through its implementation timeframe.  This allows you to assess progress, identify any unforeseen challenges, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Final Review:  At the end of your resourcing plan’s implementation period, conduct a final evaluation. This comprehensive review should assess the plan’s overall effectiveness in achieving its stated goals and objectives.
  • Evaluation Methods: There are various methods for conducting evaluations. You can choose one or a combination of approaches depending on your resources and needs.  Some options include:
    • Focus Group Discussions: Facilitate discussions with donors, key stakeholders, and beneficiaries to gather qualitative feedback on your resourcing strategies and their impact.
    • Data Analysis: Perform an in-depth analysis of data collected throughout the monitoring process. Look for trends, correlations, and insights that reveal the overall effectiveness of your plan.
    • Case Studies: Develop case studies that showcase how specific fundraising strategies have been successful in securing resources and achieving your organization’s mission.

Understanding Cost-Effectiveness: Return on Investment (ROI)

  • ROI Calculation: Calculate the ROI for your different resourcing strategies. This involves dividing the amount of resources raised by the costs associated with each fundraising effort (e.g., staff time, marketing materials, event expenses).
  • Prioritizing Efficiency: By understanding the ROI of each strategy, you can identify the most cost-effective methods for raising funds. This allows you to prioritize your resources and allocate funding more strategically.

Demonstrating Impact:  Beyond Resource Mobilization

  • Impact Assessment: Go beyond simply measuring the amount of resources raised. Evaluate the impact your resource mobilization efforts have had on your organization’s ability to deliver programs and services, particularly those that benefit women and girls in your community.
  • Data Storytelling: Use data effectively to tell the story of your impact. Showcase how increased resources have translated into concrete improvements in the lives of beneficiaries. Disaggregate data by gender to highlight the positive changes your women-led organization is creating for women and girls.

Remember: Evaluation is not about assigning blame but about learning and improvement.  The insights gained through these evaluations can be used to refine your future resourcing plans and ensure your women-led NGO is on a sustainable path to achieving its mission.

Strategies for Success: Tips for Women-Led NGOs in Nigeria

Leveraging Your Unique Voice

As a women-led organization, you have a powerful story to tell. Here are some tips to leverage your unique strengths and maximize your impact when implementing M&E for your resourcing plan:

  • Highlighting Your Gender Focus: Don’t shy away from emphasizing the gender focus of your organization. When reporting on your progress, showcase how the resources you raise are directly used to empower women and girls in your community. Frame your impact stories around the positive changes you are creating for women and girls’ lives.
  • Data-Driven Advocacy: Use data disaggregation to your advantage. Demonstrate the measurable impact your organization has on women and girls through statistics and success stories. This data can be a powerful tool for advocating for increased support from women donors and challenging any unconscious bias that might exist.

Building Strong  Relationship

  • Connecting with Women Donors: Research and actively seek out women donors who may be more likely to identify with your mission and understand the unique challenges faced by women-led organizations. Build strong relationships with these donors through personalized communication, networking events, and opportunities for them to see your impact firsthand.
  • Networking with Other Women Leaders: Connect with other women leaders in the non-profit sector in Nigeria. Share best practices, resources, and challenges related to M&E for resourcing plans. This network of support can be invaluable for navigating the fundraising landscape and learning from each other’s experiences.
  • Demonstrating Expertise and Credibility
  • Showcasing Expertise: Use data and testimonials effectively to showcase the expertise and effectiveness of your organization. Highlight the skills and qualifications of your team, particularly women leaders within your organization. This can help to counteract any unconscious bias that potential donors might hold regarding women’s leadership capabilities.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Be transparent about how you use your resources. Regularly share progress reports and impact stories with donors and stakeholders. This transparency builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to responsible financial management.

By implementing these tips and embracing your unique strengths as a women-led organization, you can effectively utilize M&E to strengthen your resourcing plan, secure sustainable funding, and create a lasting impact on your community.


  • Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey that empowers your women-led NGO to achieve its full potential.  By regularly monitoring your resourcing plan,  collecting data, and conducting periodic evaluations, you gain valuable insights to guide your fundraising efforts and ensure your organization is on track for long-term success.
  • The Benefit of M&E for Women Leaders

M&E allows women-led NGOs in Nigeria to:

  • Demonstrate Accountability: Showcase responsible financial management and build trust with donors and stakeholders.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Identify the most effective fundraising strategies and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Advocate for Change: Use data and impact stories to advocate for increased support from women donors and challenge gender bias in the non-profit sector.
  • Empower Women Leaders: Equip women leaders with the knowledge and data to make informed decisions about resource mobilization strategies.
  • Building a Brighter Future
  • By embracing M&E and leveraging your unique voice as a women-led organization, you can:
  • Secure Sustainable Funding: Attract and retain donors by demonstrating the impact your organization has on women and girls in your community.
  • Drive Positive Change: Empower women and girls through programs and services made possible by your successful resource mobilization efforts.
  • Inspire Others: Become a role model for other women-led NGOs in Nigeria, paving the way for a more equitable and impactful non-profit sector.

Remember, M&E is not just about numbers; it’s about telling the powerful story of your organization’s impact.  Use data effectively, highlight the transformative work you do, and celebrate the achievements of your women leaders.   By doing so, you can secure the resources needed to create a brighter future for women and girls in Nigeria.