Latest Activity
Security and peace initiatives. Women empowerment. Digital Inclusion.
11 months ago
Organization Mission
To promote, engage and empower women, youth and vulnerable children through awareness, capacity building, linkage and bridging the digital divide.
Organization Vision
A world where the sustainable development goals have been achieved and citizens are actively involved in decision making.
Institutional donor/partner funds received in the last five years
Donor | Amount | Duration |
Women environmental program Women environmental program | 100 million | 3 years |
IHVN | 40 million | 2 years |
NIMCNIMC | 100 million | 2 years |
List the due diligence assessments conducted in the last 2 years
Donor | Month | Year |
Sectors of operational activities
Who | Where | When | What |
Who | Where | When | What |
Food Security
Who | Where | When | What |
Who | Where | When | What |
Youth | Katsina, Funtua | 2023 | ses esalcracy etilter upmocand lture ucirga tramsate miCl |
Women | Katsina, Batagarawa | 2023 | sinesses ub llams rofloan ving lover tfoS |
Youth | Katsina, Jibia | 2022 | program hood ilevil dnaship rotneM |
Who | Where | When | What |
Host communities | Katsina, Mai | 2018 | unities mmocoss rcxanes ilde iug HSAWto ng irehdaof ortance pmithe noreness awAorpi HSAWementing lpmi fortance opmi eht noreness awAotss ecca ot egakniLges akniLS |
Women | Katsina, Katsina | 2019 | on itaercreness awA |
Youth | Katsina, Batagarawa | 2020 | ation ercreness awA |
Who | Where | When | What |
Children | Katsina, Katsina | 2018 | pport ustritional noitirtiuN |
Person living with disabilities, marginalised or stigmatised groups | Katsina, Katsina | 2019 | sDIA/VIH yb detceffa/d etcefnin emow otort ppuscial osohcysP |
Who | Where | When | What |
Person living with disabilities, marginalised or stigmatised groups | Katsina, Kankara | 2024 | vices resort ppusand reness awa sDIA/VIH |
Women | Katsina, Katsina | 2024 | ges aknil dnaing dnif esac BT |
Host communities | Katsina, Katsina | 2024 | ges aknilnd ach raesse uoh ot esuoh BT |
Who | Where | When | What |
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