Mentor's Photo
Cynthia Igoche ()
  • Company Name:
    Cynthia Igoche
  • Type of Service:
    Mentorship, Coaching, Training Facilitation.
  • Area to Apply:
    Strategic Planning, Communications Branding, Organizational Management,
  • Preferred Method of Communication:
    Video Calls, Phone Calls, Email,
  • Current Job Title:
    Community Campaigner
  • Current Employer:
    Action Aid UK
  • Years of Professional Experience:
  • Degree(s) Obtained:
    Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Barrister at Law (BL.) MA International Development Management

Mrs. Cynthia Igoche is a communication specialist with 10 years of experience in organizational communication for development. She has a strong background in developing strategic communication plans, and promoting advocacy campaigns using new media platforms. She is passionate about using her expertise to help organizations effectively communicate their key messages and connect with their target audiences both internally and externally by discovering new ways to innovate and improve communication strategies. Cynthia holds a first degree in Law from Kogi State University, Nigeria and a master’s degree in International Development Management from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom.

Referee 1

Name: Esme Roslin-Sprason

Referee 2

Name: Rachael Winder

Number of mentees that can be mentored simultaneously


Expertise and experience in these other areas

I worked as a Communications Training Facilitator and Mentor with IMMAP France/NIF, on the PLRCAP (Promoting Local Response Capacities and Partnerships) Initiative where I rendered virtual training facilitation and mentoring services to Local and National Non-Governmental Organizations in northeast and northwest Nigeria on how to communicate effectively with both internal and external stakeholders. At the end of the training and mentorship workshops, participants were able to improve their communication skills both internally and externally and develop their strategic communication plans using a variety of unique communication techniques to push key messages to relevant audiences for effective action. I also worked as a Communications Technical Advisor with Adam Smith International Nigeria, ENABLE2 (Enhancing Nigerian Advocacy for a Better Business Environment) project – A DFID-funded project. I provided handholding for ENABLE 2 partners to develop and implement communication strategies as part of their broader advocacy strategy. I facilitated the Life Skills workshop during the 2019 G4G conference organized by UNICEF Nigeria for young school girls to promote Girl Child Education and also mark the International Day of the Girl Child. Being a communications Specialist, I celebrate individuality and embrace diversity. I promote an inclusive and supportive work environment that encourages personal and professional growth. I have worked with people from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. At Zamani Foundation, I facilitated training workshops that sensitized young people about the ills of domestic abuse and how to identify the red flags. I also worked as a community engagement officer where I was part of a poverty alleviation scheme targeted at women and young girls which involved skills acquisition to create and support sustainable income.

Mentoring philosophy

My mentoring Philosophy entails getting myself familiar with the current situations and operations of my client organizations to identify the specific challenges and loop holes in their organizational systems . We discuss the issues and proffer solutions to them. I also give the organizations tasks to execute prior to our next mentorship sessions to assess their level of understanding of subjects discussed.

Previous experience as a mentor in any capacity? Please briefly describe your experience.

In 2022, as a communication consultant with iMMAP France/NIF, I had the opportunity to mentor 3 organizations. Each organisation faced unique challenges and it was obvious they needed an intervention. The mentorship sessions revealed a lot more issues than the organization thought it had especially with regards to communication within the organization. By the end of the mentorship, the mentees learnt new effective ways of managing and resolving conflicts. They learned to listen more to the opposing views and work together as a team to achieve their common goals.
