Mentor's Photo
Akaoma Onyemelukwe ()
  • Company Name:
    Akaoma Onyemelukwe
  • Type of Service:
    The broad spectrum of capacity building including Mentorship, Coaching , Trainings( customised, one on one, group training, annual course application base, organisational with team building), Speaking services , Consultancy services( technical leadership and , advisory services, Technical assistance services - short or long term
  • Area to Apply:
    Leadership, Strategic Planning, Effective Governance, Resource Mobilization, Project Development, Partnership Building, Organizational Management,
  • Preferred Method of Communication:
  • Current Job Title:
    Managing Partner
  • Current Employer:
    Right Proposal Innovative
  • Years of Professional Experience:
  • Degree(s) Obtained:
    Bachelor of Arts (BA)English Language Masters in Industrial and Labor Relations (HRM Stream)

I help a range of organisations (NGOs, INGOs, CSO, CBO and funders) within and across the development and humanitarian space achieve organisational development, transformation, impact, access funding and build sustainability. I am global development expert, nonprofit strategist and public speaker with 20 years’ experience leading and managing international development initiatives. I have accelerated impact in global development through management of large and complex programs strengthened over 1000 NGOs and CBOs and trained over 1500 NGO leaders. Raised and managed over $1billion in grants. Advised governments of low and middle-income countries, private sector organisations, INGOs and NGOs ; designed, implemented and evaluated programs including development of tools, curriculum and manuals and capacity building.; policy and strategy, organizational/sectoral systems strengthening Proposal writing services including researching, design and drafting, intelligence.

Referee 1

Name: Salami Kadir

Referee 2

Name: Azuka Menkiti

Number of mentees that can be mentored simultaneously


Expertise and experience in these other areas

Akaoma Onyemelukwe is a global development consultant with expertise in sectoral reforms, health systems strengthening applying wide range systems thinking, policy and strategy, gender and social inclusion, evaluation and research, curriculum development and organizational development and all range of capacity building, for over 20 years. She has led impactful, complex international development programmes across Health (Nutrition-IYCF, HIV&AIDS, OVC, PMTCT, SRHR, TB, RSH/FP, Malaria, RMNCH, WASH, Adolescence health, suite of health systems strengthening across the six building blocks with depth in health financing, human resource for health (HRH), public finance management, gender, public private partnership, donor coordination, quality improvement, regulatory capacity) with a focus on achieving Universal Health Coverage), Humanitarian Emergencies (cluster strengthening, disaster response, vulnerability analysis, implementing programmes for IDPs in health, WASH, livelihood and protection), Education (Girl Child Education, Education System Strengthening, SBMC strengthening Leadership, Reading and learning programming) Governance, and the Media Akaoma has significant experience in developing, drafting, researching, and analysing strategies, policies, legislation, regulations, implementation plans, action plans, curriculums, manuals and operational guidelines. Designing, planning, implementing and evaluating development and humanitarian programmes and initiatives I bring a rich blend of strategic capacity in program management, planning and implementation of reviews, suite of health systems strengthening, strategic planning, organizational capacity strengthening, public sector management, monitoring and evaluation and research, documentation and reporting, policy analysis, advocacy, and influencing, organizational development and strengthening, political economy understanding and facilitation, external engagement and strategic positioning with accountabilities. Others include new business development including proposal writing capabilities, extensive experience in gender equality (gender, gender analysis, gender-based violence, gender audit, mainstreaming and budgeting, social norms, inclusion), curriculum development and translations, performance management, technical and quality assurance, use of participatory approaches, rights-based approaches and facilitation Akaoma has led, worked and supported series of HSS donor activities such as Global Fund programmes (RSSH, Malaria, HIV etc), FCDO Flagship HSS project valued at $350 million, led the systems strengthening components for over 10 years and led RMNCH/PHC HSS project in the W.H.O valued at $100 million and led a nutrition intervention worth over $20milliom funded by BMGF. With these extensive experiences, I have provided technical assistance for Health Ministries, department and agencies, advised Governments across the country, Leaders of CSOs, NGOs, FBOs INGOs, industries and communities. She has led various engagements including communities (key population, girls, women, boys and men) related for participation in development action and facilitating leadership, action, change/transformation and impact In over a decade, Akaoma has provided technical assistance for the improvement of health systems and leading health leadership governance work, eradication of critical diseases, and institutionalization of universal health coverage framework through the strengthening of health mechanisms including Health insurance, BHPHCF and support for the achievement of PHUCOR (PHC systems), series of systems strengthening innovations, private health sector engagements and service delivery improvement. Leading systems strengthening, innovated series of systems strengthening efforts which has been replicated across the country with extensive sustainability of these initiatives, years after. Evaluation and Research In her consulting role, Akaoma has led the process of performance evaluation, reviews, accountability and learning; participating in reviews processes through desk reviews, preparation of reports, analysing evidence, results and milestones against log frames. She has led and participated in series of evaluations ( baseline , midline and endlines) and assessment including PHC Systems and Immunization situation analysis and fiscal space analysis in the 4 lowest performing states of Nigeria, health systems assessment in the North West and North East regions, State level HSS assessment of the 5 FCDO priority states for Lafiya Health Investment, Rapid Scan of Ogun Health systems for performance management, Midterm review of the WHO Led Frontline health worker project, End line evaluation of the Ambulance and Accountability for RMNCH, Capacity Assessment of the PHC agency of Borno and Yobe, Situational Analysis for HRH situation; Gender Analysis for SHARP T03 project in Yobe State; National Pneumonia strategy with domestication in Lagos and Jigawa States amongst others. Proven significant experience in programme leadership, I have managed programmes funded by multilateral, bilateral and international private sector institutions. Extensive consulting experience both for long terms (LTTA) and short term (STTA). GESI specific I bring a rich blend of strategic capacity in Gender and social inclusion- gender equality (gender, gender analysis, gender-based violence, gender audit, mainstreaming and budgeting, social norms, inclusion), research – (qualitative, quantitative, interviews- FGD, KII , data analysis and interpretation), strategic leadership, programme management and reporting, organizational development, service delivery support, policy analysis, advocacy, voice and social accountability, monitoring and evaluation, proposal writing capabilities, quality assurance, rights-based programming, participatory approaches. With considerable experience in Gender, she has participated in events leading towards state-level adoption of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act (VAPP), supported process for the development of national gender policy. She provided technical input on gender and ensured that gender-based violence was represented in the Policy. She has led the gender analysis for organizations to inform gender programming increasing women access to health care. She has participated in national core technical working groups on gender – National Expanded HIV/AIDS Technical Working Group on Gender. Led the inclusion of gender-based perspectives including issues of violence and related health intervention in the human resource for health strategy for Lagos State an important document for the State with Nigeria’s largest health workforce. Led the review and development of National Gender in Basic Education Policy, 2019, an important document. She has provided capacity building on gender for Rotary District 9110 (Supported by Rotary Foundation). She has led research to identify programming opportunities with clear analysis on the gender and social inclusion components for business development. Her child protection work includes work for UNICEF, with a strong gender bias and a focus on gender-based violence from childhood and protection of girls. Akaoma led the production of evidence on child marriage issues and budget provisions, GBV and ending series of social norms including the deployment of CHOICES. She developed SGBV strategy document for World Bank NEWMAP States She has supported many organizations in conducting research and providing mainstreaming and gender responsiveness and has worked with various stakeholders in this regard. She has been involved in conducting gender assessments, gender analysis, gender audits and helped develop the gender policies, training manuals and action plans of various institutions, including international organizations like SCI, WHO, etc. She has in-depth understanding of the health, education, humanitarian context and its intersections with Gender and GBV in Nigeria and the policy, legislative environment and institutions in Nigeria including National Maternity Entitlement survey; opportunity analysis study within the fragile locations in themes such as gender with focus on sexual and gender based violence, education, health livelihood, peace, conflict and security; health systems assessment in the North East, Rapid Scan of Ogun Health systems for performance management, Conceptual design and implementation approach of mainstreaming of positive masculinity for boys and men into the Girl for Girls Program 2018-2020; Mid-term review of the WHO Led Frontline health worker project and the technical coordination of the project at Federal Level and in 2 states, End line evaluation of the Ambulance and Accountability for RMNCH, Situational Analysis for HRH situation amongst others She has led and participated in series of consultancies including USAID Sharp T03 Gender Analysis research in Yobe state Nigeria, National Gender in Basic Education Plan, Midterm review of the WHO Led Frontline health worker project, Drafting of Strategic plans – National HRH , Task Shifting, National Health Workforce Profile, National Pneumonia Plan, National Lassa Fever Plan, National Health Sector Development Plan II(NHSDPII), End line evaluation of the Ambulance and Accountability for RMNCH, Situational Analysis for HRH situation, Gender Analysis in North East Nigeria, Evaluation of Girls for Girls Programme, Research on Programming opportunities in BAY states; Support to NPHCDA on PHUCOR guidelines; Capacity Assessment Review of SPHDCA in Yobe & Borno and 45PHCs, Team building for health workers and humanitarian workers and programme end of project documentation for FHI360 Global Fund, SIDHAS and SFI

Mentoring philosophy

Deep commitment to empowering, emboldening and enabling individuals and organizations actualize their full potential is at the center of my mentoring philosophy targeted at personal and professional levels. Mentoring in my view is a collaborative journey to encourage and nurture growth, build skills, increase knowledge and aptitude and cultivate the mindset for leadership of self and others to apply learnings and achieve results. It is hinged on • empowerment through guidance to own their learning by taking informed decisions and actions, navigate challenges and exploring opportunities. • Creating an environment where value and respect, inclusivity is fundamental, helping a holistic development • Building Trust and Connection that creates a safe and supportive space for dialogue and vulnerabilities through experience sharing (personal stories and examples) , listening and empathy • Imparting a sense of leadership, responsibility and accountability producing self-discipline, resilience, and growth. • Giving and receiving of feedback infused into continuous learning and reflection • Inspiring mentees to embrace curiosity, adaptability, and a growth mindset in their own development journeys • Seeking and maintaining a higher level of self-awareness ; exploring opportunities to increase, expand and update personal knowledge and skills , competencies and sensitivities.

Previous experience as a mentor in any capacity? Please briefly describe your experience.

Yes, I have previously served as a mentor. I began my mentorship journey and experience while working in ActionAid where we had the opportunity broker partnership and its related support with over 200 CSO and 5 regional and national coalitions and networks in about 4 cycles of partnership. The result of the mentorship was demonstrated in their growth and capacity to access more fundings and drive organisational sustainability. I am an expert mentor with Mastercard foundation – Global Baboo project targeting adolescent girls. I mentored a young lady from Kenya, helping her start up and sustain her business while holistic planning her life using a career plan. I am an expert mentor for WISCAR for 2 cycles of mentorship – First a young lady transitioning from private sector work to nonprofit and second a young lady from Borno who works in local nonprofit organisation and aims to have a career plan and transition to UN agency organisation… this was achieved. I am expert mentor with the PLRCAP. I have mentored organisations on developing strategic planning and proposal writing. I have mentored over 3 /4 cycles so far. I mentored for Hellen Keller international on proposal writing. I have mentored at right proposals on proposal writing, grant readiness and organizational systems development My experience has been unique and different across each organisation and individuals. I have seen growth and demonstrable results from the process. Lots of learning is achieved during the sessions and follow up connections are used to deepen experience and accountabilities. The mentee organisations/ individuals maximize the opportunity and we have built lasting relationship over many years. I have received feedbacks that has help improve mentoring over the years.
