Mentor's Photo
Rinji Lekyes Kwarkas (Plateau)
  • Company Name:
    Rinji Lekyes Kwarkas
  • Type of Service:
    Mentorship, Coaching, Training, Curriculum Development, Facilitation, Knowledge exchange, Research management, Portfolio support and Grants management.
  • Area to Apply:
  • Preferred Method of Communication:
  • Current Job Title:
    Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Consultant
  • Current Employer:
    Graca Machel Trust
  • Years of Professional Experience:
  • Degree(s) Obtained:
    MSc Information Management - 2023 B.Tech Information Technology- 2015 Diploma Information Technology- 2009

Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (DMEAL) Specialist, Researcher, Certified Forecaster, Data Analyst, GESI Specialist, Business Developer, Development Communications Strategist & Systems Thinker.

Referee 1

Name: Christian Adanu

Referee 2

Name: Patience Andrew

Number of mentees that can be mentored simultaneously


Expertise and experience in these other areas

06 Summary Lane, New Abuja, Jos Plateau state. 18 November, 2023 Recruitment team, iMMAP France/3iSolution. PLRCAP Consultancy Expert And Mentor I am a Research design expert, a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist, a member of the Nigerian association of evaluators and a fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters. I have over 9 years of focus on designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating development interventions, conducting Research for Development and Forecasting socio economic phenomena. I hold a bachelor in information and communication technology and a masters of information management. I am well positioned to serve as consultant on Course 9: Project Management and effective Monitoring and Evaluation and Course 4: Strategic thinking, planning and measurement. As a Systems thinker, a significant portion of my career has been devoted to organizational capacity assessment and development with a perspective towards multi dimensional, interrelated and interdependent approaches to development that utilize available and sustainable resources. I have also worked extensively in evaluation and research within the development sector, focusing on assessments, evaluations, and studies. I have developed expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods allowing me to approach research phenomena from a multi faceted perspective, ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of complex issues. My working experience as a development worker includes a sound knowledge of Accountability and Monitoring and Evaluation tools and frameworks in the Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion programming, Peacebuilding and humanitarian aid sector. My recent role as a MERL Consultant involves capacity building of partners and evaluation of portfolio projects implemented by Graça Machel Trust across Africa with funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Mastercard Foundation, African Development Bank, and Visa Foundation. Other engagements I have had in the past include working as MERL specialist with Creative Associates under USAID funded project; Senior Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning officer with Search for Common Ground in Adamawa state on a European Union funded project in a consortium with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Mercy Corps, after working in Rivers, Bayelsa and Delta states on a German Corporation funded Democratic governance project and a US CSO funded electoral violence project in Bayelsa. I also have worked as an M&E officer on a Preventing Violent Extremism project funded by the GCERF in Plateau state, MEL Officer on a Youth sexuality and Reproductive Health project funded by the Ford Foundation in Ebonyi State, a knowledge management consultant on a HIV impact project funded by Global Fund in Abuja, a Program Manager on a Community Based Social Health Insurance Project and a consultant Evaluator/ Data Analyst and M&E trainer/mentor for varying organizations including the Nigerian INGO forum and iMMAP. This has enriched my understanding of international development initiatives and best practices in capacity development and evaluation. I am a pro equality worker with a sound understanding of Child protection and Gender policies ensuring that interventions mainstream gender, are inclusive, they “Do no harm” and maximize impacts. My background in broadcasting has equipped me as a sound communicator, fluent in written and spoken English and Hausa Languages. Having evaluated projects in all regions of Nigeria, and across the continent as a whole, I am conversant with cultural norms and contexts of communities across demographic divides. In summary, I find that I am equipped with the desired knowledge of non profit capacity assessment, development and strengthening. I am confident that working in this capacity for the iMMAP will enable me to enhance the localisation approach, while giving me an opportunity to build my competencies for future roles in the development sector. Kind regards. Rinji Lekyes Kwarkas RINJI LEKYES KWARKAS (B.Sc., MIM in view) He for She Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (DMEAL) Specialist / Researcher / Certified Forecaster / Management Information Systems (MIS) Expert / Data Analyst / Gender advocate/ Graduate Information Technologist /Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity (DEI) Specialist / Business Developer / Prevention and Countering Violent Extremist (PCVE) Expert / Development Communications Strategist 08035322183 RinjiLP Language Proficiency: English, Hausa and Mupun. CORE STRENGTHS Development of Monitoring and Evaluation systems, Performance Tracking Table/Matrix, Logical frameworks, Theory of change formulation, Institutional Learning, Research (Qualitative, Quantitative and mixed methods), Forecasting, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan formulation, Development of results framework, Business development, Proposal development, Project Design and Management, Training, Management Information Systems, Media mapping, Rumor tracking (Talkwalker), Knowledge Management Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D), data collection tools development, Data Quality Assessment, Report development and review, Organizational Capacity Assessment, Data analysis (Advanced Excel, Power BI, SPSS), Data collection (Kobo toolbox, Survey monkey, Google forms), Infographics, Research management, Grantee support and Grants management, Human rights’ Impact Assessment, Systems Thinking. THEMES WORKED ON Conflict Resolution and Peace Building: Peace Building, Prevention, and Countering of Violent Extremism (P/CVE), Democratic Governance, Electoral Violence, Justice Systems, Farmer Herder Conflict, Health and Well-being: HIV, Malaria, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), Freedom of Religious Beliefs. Education: Education in Emergencies, Accelerated Education Programs, Creative Writing, Poetry for Advocacy. Economic Development: Gender Lens Investment (2X Framework), Market Systems, Financial Access, Socio-Economic Development and Humanitarian Aid, Agricultural Value Chains, Smallholder Farmers Social Issues: Gender-Based Violence, Child’s Rights, Arts and Culture Promotion, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), Human Rights, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Environmental Sustainability: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Climate Change, Flood Preparedness and Response/Recovery, Plastic Recycling, Fair Circularity SUMMARY EXPERIENCE Rinji Kwarkas is a Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (DMEAL) specialist with over 9 years’ experience in development work. His work is focused on designing, monitoring and evaluation of development projects, ensuring accountability and harvesting and disseminating of learnings from the same. He is a member of the Institute of International Forecasters with an innovative application of time series and research tools for development. He is strong at conducting quantitative and qualitative research, Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA), forecasting socio economic phenomena, development and deployment of management information systems for development, championing diversity, equity and equality in communities and within the humanitarian sector. He manages MEAL systems and continues to apply research for development through independent and external assessments, evaluations and surveys. Rinji has designed and deployed results driven DMEAL systems and Indicator Performance Tracking Tables (IPTT) for projects with a myriad of donors including MasterCard Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, African Development Bank (AfDB), Visa Foundation, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), World Food Programme (WFP), Creative Associates, the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Ford Foundation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Fund, German Corporation, Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), European Union (EU) and International Organization for Migration (IOM). Towards strengthening localisation, he has trained over 20 DMEAL officers of local organizations to better position their institutions for delivering effective and efficient projects with sustainable impacts. These have equipped him with all-encompassing experience in development, implementation and evaluation of projects across fields of Democratic Governance, Conflict Resolution, Early Warning and Early Response, Peace Building, Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism, Socio-Economic Development, Humanitarian Aid, Arts and Culture, and Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity. Rinji is versatile and has worked across the North, South, Middle Belt and Eastern zones of Nigeria, and several African countries including South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia. He is fluent with Hausa, English and Mupun and understands cultures from across the continent; making him a conflict sensitive communicator with apt analytical and strong interpersonal skills. He is a Diversity, Equality and inclusivity champion, a child rights protector and a solution-oriented problem solver. SKILLS Monitoring and Evaluation: experienced on Research, Project evaluations (Baseline, Midterm, Endline, Listenership surveys, media mapping) and Documentation, Log frame development, Institutional learning, usage and training on use of digital data collection management systems such SPSS, KoboCollect, DHIS2, LAMIS, Power BI, Open Refine, R and advanced MS Excel. Strategic Program and Team Management: providing administrative and technical project management, team leadership, donor adherence, policy design and deployment, organizational strategy planning, donor relations, Program Development, Program Management, Leadership and Team management. Grants Management: Solicitations review, and grant agreements and contracting, Grants MEL standards, Request for Applications (RFA) development, grantee capacity building, and grants tracking. Knowledge management and Communication: Design, Development and Deployment of media systems and components for organizational visibility; including but not limited to graphic design, infographics, voice over, script writing, radio presentation, Back Translation. Capacity Building: Organizational Capacity Assessment, Virtual and in person training, Mentoring, Toolkit development, Facilitation. Information Communication Technology: Advanced use of digital systems, development of training materials and conducting of training on computer usage and application of ICT4D; including but not limited to Google suite, MS Word, MS Power Point, Corel Draw, After Effects, Adobe Audition and Premiere Pro. Financial Management: Program budgeting, MEL related finance and administrative services, MEL financial forecast, Budget vs Actual tracking, burn rate and budget realignment in line with budget forecast and donor requirements. Peace Building: Dialogue, Mediation, Advocacy Prevention of Violent Extremism, Conflict sensitivity, Conflict Sensitivity, Conflict Scan and Assessment. RECENT RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE Graca Machel Trust (GMT) - South Africa MERL Officer - Africa May 2023 - Date Beyond the conventional M&E functions, this role has availed me the opportunity to work across streams of strategic plan, systems strengthening and business development on a Pan African scale. Strategic Planning: Contributing to the development of a Pan-African MERL framework and an Impact, Research and Learning Strategy. Capacity Strengthening: Support capacity strengthening internally by enhancing the MERL capacity of GMT’s networks and implementing partners across African countries on Project management, key MERL concepts, tools, and processes. Systems Strengthening and Knowledge Management: Facilitate quarterly reflection and Learning sessions by presenting monitoring findings to staff, management, donors, and stakeholders. Contribute to the design and implementation of a robust data management system and processes for evaluating the impact and effectiveness of our work and train staff on the usage of these systems. Business Development Contribute to identifying and developing high-quality knowledge products for dissemination through knowledge management, networking, conferences and publications in print and online platforms. Contribute to proposal development and donor engagement, providing technical support on impact, research, and learning. Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI) - Jos Transition Director of Administration and Programs (Co Founder): Jan - May 2023 As the Transition Director of Administration and Programmes at Crest Research Development Institute (CRADI), I facilitated the organization’s transition into an Institute by ensuring the day to day running of the organization through procurement, administration and logistics and management of the organization’s portfolio and Research consults. Specifically, these have cut across the following: Business Development Positioning CRADI for organizational growth, stability, and sustainability through the development of both short-term and long-term strategies and goals. Setting up of organizational structures through development and implementation of the organizational profile and policy documents. Identifying consultancy and grant opportunities for the organization and leading the development of winning proposals and bids for the same. facilitated partnerships with other organizations including state and non state actors in the development sector to identify opportunities for mutual growth and capacity interdependency. Promote the institute’s services to prospective partners, donors and client organizations. Programs Lead the identification, design, development and implementation of social interventions across our thematic areas of programming especially in the sphere of capacity building. Line managing program and project leads to deliver outcome driven and sustainable projects with community level relevant impact. Train project leads on effectiveness and efficiency approaches to project management. IT and Communications Oversee the communications strategy development of the organization. Setup the Information and Communication Technology base of the organization, including the identification of the right ICT4D tools (hardware and software) to be deployed and personnel to man them. lead the development of tech platforms and guide team on the usage of the same, including and not limited to the institute’s google suite and ERP. Provided ICT support and training to employees, clients, and partners, as well as identifying, designing, and deploying electronic research, data management, and communication systems. creating of digital identities including the institute’s website, social media handles, postal codes, Duns number, Unique entity Identity, Post Office Box etc. Procurement, Administration and Logistics: Led the procurement of office and office supplies including and not limited to office space, office furniture, technical equipment and digital services. Setup and utilized the HRM system to identify, attract, recruit and maintain startup human resources for the institute including payroll management, staff welfare, appraisal and employee appreciation. Maintain day to day logistics needs of the office including donor and client relations, freight and logistics, corporate identity and facility management. Creative Associates, (Northeast Connection Program) Borno, Adamawa and Yobe. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist: Oct 2021 - Jan 2023 Towards ensuring adherence and program quality on a grant centered program across Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states, funded by the USAID, I managed MEL coordinators and Officers of 23 grantees and carried out the following: Research and Learning As the MEL specialist on the program, I proposed and supported the conduct of research functions of the program from which the Collaboration Learning and Adapting (CLA) strategy of the program was instituted. As such I managed development of scope of work, supervision of consultants and review of research components reports on the programme for subcontractors such as Opinion Research Business, Navanti Group International, Creative Initiative for African Development (CIFAD), and Grassroots Researchers Association (GRA) in the conduct of the following research components whose findings informed program development that were context specific: Program Baseline, Midline, and Endline Evalualiuations. Community Mapping Media and Communication Channel Mapping Quarterly Political Economy Analysis (PEA) Quarterly Conflict Analysis Quarterly Analysis of Violent Extremist Organizations' Recruitment Methods and Tactics Quarterly Community Vulnerability Surveys Bi Annual Social Network Analysis (SNA) Midline and Endline Listenership Surveys for Media Related Programs Learning Agenda Questions Coordination and facilitation of Learning sessions To ensure intra and intra organizational learning, I supported the engagement with partners including academics, CSOs, CBOs, INGOs and government actors in forging partnerships and discussing learnings from interventions and research products. Thus through the course of the programme I supported the design and implementation of the following learning sessions: CSO networking event for CSOs across Borno Adamawa and Yobe States. Baseline dissemination and validation session with community members, implementing partners, academics and government actors. Social network analysis dissemination session with CSOs within the target states. Community of practice presentation to the USAID implementing partners. Community vulnerability survey presentation to the US ambassador and US embassy staff. CSO capacity building program learning session with 21 Nascent CSOs and 3 anchor NGOs. 4 Project Reflection Sessions with the program team to support quality, innovative, and effective project implementations by reflecting on the project’s target, outputs, and outcomes, identifying challenges, lessons learnt, and making recommendations. Partnership and Coordination through advocacies, and coordination of working groups. Learning questions and research agenda discussion with academics and practitioners aimed at validating the assumption of the program’s Theory of Change (ToC). Grantee management Supporting the program grant component by development of and responding to prospective grantees’ questions on Request for Applications (RFA) and Annual Program Statement (APS) which included the following: Sensitizing potential grantees on MEL components during bidders’ conferences. Review of potential grantees’ concepts and grant applications. Support CBOs/CSOs on development of initiatives through co-creation process. Development of monitoring and evaluation systems for Collection and documentation of project success through activity monitoring including training assessment. Grantee staff capacity assessment, training and mentorship on programme development and management. Training of grantees’ M&E teams on USAID Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) standards and requirements. Review of MEL plans developed by grantees. Conduct of data quality assurance checks for all grantees. Database Management As the MEL specialist, I managed the program’s databases including Creative’s MEDAL platform, USAID’s monitor and SMART systems. To do this, I did the following: Maintain an up-to-date catalog of all project M&E tools and forms in electronic and hard copy of data files. Manage data entry and analysis on the DBMS (MEDAL, MONITOR and SMART) Conduct data entry and ensure the overall quality of the data collected for consistency and accuracy. Conduct secondary verification of all results data received from partners, including conducting verification visits, as appropriate. Data visualizations based on data submitted to the platforms using Canva, Tableau, and MS Excel, and Powerpoint. Reporting To ensure accountability and inform program strategy on the program, I am engaged in atmospheric reporting, key performance indicator tracking, outcome harvesting and program evaluations. Manage all aspects of M&E data collection, analysis, and reporting on performance indicators by project team, grantees and consultants. Review, track, and update the Results Monitoring Plan (RMP) to track indicator target achievement and project progress toward desired outcomes and impact. Prepare Activity deliverables related to MEL (quarterly, annual, and final reports) in a timely manner. I support regular project progress reports in collaboration with the project management team to develop weekly, monthly quarterly, bi annual and annual program reports. Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Bayelsa, Adamawa. November 2019 – October 2021 Senior Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer, Adamawa (North East): Jan 2021 – Oct 2021 Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer, Bayelsa, Delta & Rivers (Niger Delta): Nov 2019 – Dec 2020 In order to implement SFCG M&E Standards around project implementation and ensure quality, conflict sensitive and effective data management systems on projects, I carried out the following: Ongoing monitoring Collection and documentation of project success through activity monitoring including training assessment. Conduct of regular and periodic monitoring visits to project beneficiaries in communities to receive and document feedback. Development of case studies and success stories on the projects. Undertake comprehensive context analysis of projects based on field data and present findings to management and donors to inform decision-making. Conduct data quality assurance (DQA) checks with project performance reports. Evaluations Internally coordinate research on all projects in my covering including baseline, midterm, endline and listenership surveys, media mapping and conflict scans. Supervise and support external consultants’ conduct of research. Collate, store, and analyze accurate, high quality, and reliable qualitative and quantitative data. Develop terms of evaluation Terms of Reference, review training manuals, conduct training, supervise, and assist consultants, enumerators, and conflict analysts. Data Analysis Conduct quarterly media analyses for media programmes conducted countrywide by Search Nigeria. Coding of all research tools on digital data collection platforms (kobo collet, google forms) for all surveys conducted by the Nigerian M&E team. Data clean up using MS-Excel and OpenRefine for surveys conducted within the team. Knowledge management and institutional learning Conducted monthly review and quarterly project reflection meetings on projects in the Niger Delta and Northeast Nigeria. Document key lessons learned from these reflection meetings and reflect these lessons in program implementation. Train program teams on identifying, collecting and reporting case studies and success stories. Review evaluations (report and process) conducted by external evaluators on all projects. School of Health Information Management, Jos University Teaching hospital (JUTH), Plateau. Visiting Lecturer (Electronic Health Records and Monitoring and Evaluation) Sep 2019 – Dec 2019 Development of Instructional materials Curriculum development for the diploma students on Health Management Information Systems, Electronic Health Records and Monitoring and Evaluation. Digitization of lecture materials in a presentation format. Delivery of lectures Applying a mixed method (facilitation and participatory) for lecture to students. Suggesting online courses and recommending students for the same. Offering mentoring sessions to students. Addition of an introduction to development work series for students. Student Assessment Development of standard Operating Procedure for students’ assessment. Conducting and invigilation of in-class tests and examinations. Setting of questions and marking schemes for knowledge tests. Institute of Governance and Social Research (IGSR), Plateau. Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Apr 2019 – Oct 2019 In this capacity, I coordinated the M&E of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) consortium and ensured the following: Monitoring and Evaluation Maintain effective output reporting and documentation on project indicators. Improve outcome tracking and reporting and context update. Document success stories, track case studies and captured project outcomes. Improve use of evaluation findings and reflection learning through knowledge management and shared learning. Improve quality monthly data documentation while ensuring data management structure in all reference sheets. Efficiently tracked and assessed project progress through periodic data collection and conducting quarterly perception surveys. Support collaborative efforts at consortium level on meeting M&E requirements. Monitor Project Context and regularly report findings Track socio-economic, political and security trends to develop a community context update report quarterly. Business Development / Capacity Building Contribute to development of concept notes and project proposals. Train program teams on Community Needs Assessment (CONA) and developing needs-focused projects. Capacity building on conflict sensitive programming and the do no harm principle. Capacity building of team members on use of ICT4D tools. Development Communications Development of knowledge products on the project. Design and development of communications plan and IEC materials including jingles, posters and fliers. Strengthening project visibility within the consortium and in the state. Support on the use of new media platforms and electronic communication channels. Center for Health, Edu. Econ. Rehab. & Soc. Sec. (CHEERS) Abuja. Project Officer - Monitoring and Evaluation Jan 2018 – Jun 2018 Management of Community Based Social Health Insurance Program (CBSHIIP). Development of M&E/data collection tools and data analysis. Training of Data Entry Clerks on use of DHIS2 for a HIV impact project. Maintenance of ICT infrastructure. Development of New Media communication tools. Safe Motherhood Ladies Association (SMLAS) NGO, Ebonyi. Monitoring and Evaluation Officer / IT Support Feb 2016 – Dec 2017 Review of Monitoring and evaluation system of the organization to include the development of project logical framework, indicator Performance Tracking table, reporting templates, data collection tools, and activity database. Training assessments and activity evaluation to report on effectiveness and efficiency, providing data driven feedback for project improvement. Tracking of project outputs, outcomes and planning project impact evaluation. Endline evaluation on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights project. Development of organizational websites and setup of social media platforms. Development of project IEC and visibility materials. Gotel FM, Gotel Communications, Adamawa. IT Officer/ On Air Personality Jun 2013 – Mar 2015 Maintenance of transmission (TX) equipment IT support and training of Industrial Training students Script writing and Radio presentation / duty continuity announcing EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND MSc Information Management - Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 2023 in View B.Tech Information Technology- Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, 2015 Diploma Information Technology- Federal University of Technology Yola, 2009 COURSES AND CERTIFICATIONS Social and Behavior Change Programme Monitoring- United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2022 Gender Monitoring and Evaluation - United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2022 Preparing for Peacebuilding- United States Institute for Peace (USIP), 2020 Conflict Sensitive Journalism- Search for Common Ground, 2020 Digital Peacebuilding- Search for Common Ground, 2020 Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)- Canada Ministry for Women and Gender Equality, 2019 Effective Communication for Healthy Outcomes- YALI Network, 2019 Use of forecasting in Health, Research, Governance and Business using the 'R' statistical software- International Institute of Forecasters, 2019 Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks- United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2019 Social Media for Health and Development- United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2019 M&E Fundamentals- United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2017 EVALUATIONS & CONSULTANCIES Midterm Evaluation, Women Creating Wealth - Africa Firestarters Edition in Uganda, South Africa and Kenya: Visa Foundation, 2023 Grant Impact Assessment “Strengthening Localization of GBV prevention and Response through increase knowledge, skills and services delivery for vulnerable women, girls and GBV survivors to address critical gaps in dignity and menstrual hygiene management in Damaturu and Yusafari LGAs, Yobe state”: African Youth for Peace Development and Empowerment (AFRYDEV), 2023 School Mapping Exercise of the IDRC Back2School Project; a review of the Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) model for scaling in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania: Graca Machel Trust, South Africa, 2023 Consultant Organization Capacity Assessment Mentor for cohort organization of the Nigerian INGO Forum (NIF): Information Management and Mine Action Programme (iMMAP), 2023 Post Distribution Assessment of Dignity Kits “United Nations Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (NHF) project”: African Youth for Peace Development and Empowerment (AFRYDEV), 2023 Data Demand & Knowledge management training for Senior Managers (Strategic Knowledge management): CARITAS International- Nigeria, 2023 Human Rights Impact Assessment Of The Trash To Cash Project, Adamawa state: Tearfund International, 2023 Outcome harvest for “The Resourcing Change Phase Ii: Supporting Women’s Rights Organizations (Wros) And Women’s Networks In Fragile And Conflict-Affected States (FCAS)”: Women for Women International (WfWI) , 2023 Capacity Building Consultant and Mentorship sessions (Monitoring and Evaluation): intercommunity development social organization (IDS), 2023 Staff Retreat Facilitator (Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation): African Youth for Peace Development and Empowerment (AFRYDEV), 2023 Midline Listenership Survey: Christian Agency for International Development (CAFOD), 2022 Knowledge, attitudes and perception (KAP) endline and impact evaluation: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2022 Data Digitization and Migration and Office Automation: Grassroot Researchers Association (GRA), 2022 Baseline evaluation consultancy for integrated nutrition and protection assistance to conflict-affected girls, boys, women, and men in Borno state, Nigeria: Save The Children International (SCI), 2022 Development of M&E Strategic Plan: Life At Best Development Initiative (LABI), 2022 Completed Training on Outcome Harvesting and Outcome Based Reporting (24 organizations): Nigeria NorthEast Connection Program, 2022 Develop Social Accountability/ Women's Movement Monitoring Toolkit: Women's Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative (WRAPA), 2022 Status of Media Reporting of Violence Against Women and Girls RVAWG In Nigeria: African Women In Media (AWIM), 2022 Consultant Monitoring & Evaluation Mentor for cohort organization of the Nigerian INGO Forum (NIF): Information Management and Mine Action Programme (iMMAP), 2022 Scoping Study on Interventions on Justice, Security and Conflicts in IDP Camps and IDP Host Communities in Maiduguri, Yola and Damaturu: Justice and Security Dialogue (JSD) BAY States, 2021 Baseline/Scoping Study on Strengthening Social Mobilization and Accountability towards Ending SGBV and VAWG: Grassroots Researchers Association (GRA) BAY States, 2021 Development of Communication Plan and Visibility Materials (Ford Foundation grant): Safe Motherhood Ladies Association (SMLAS) Ebonyi, 2018 SOME CONFERENCES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS ATTENDED/FACILITATED Back2School Regional workshop (Addis): International Development Research Centre (IDRC) 2023 How To Successfully Write And Publish A Research Paper (Abuja)- USAID/MELSA 2022 Global Research Ethics - Africa Workshop (Remote): University of Edinburgh 2021 Communicating Risk (Remote): Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide 2021 Qualitative Early Warning Assessments: Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide 2021 Local Ownership in Peace Processes(Remote): Platform 4 Dialogue 2021 Addressing Gender Based Violence among The Vulnerable Population(Remote): FHI360 2021 Developing Scope of Work(Remote): African Evaluation Association (AFREA) 2020 Program Evaluation - Methods and Approaches: African Evaluation Association (AFREA) 2020 BOOK EDITS The Riddle of the Oil thief (untold story of several decades of oil and gas exploitation in the Niger Delta of Nigeria): HRM King Bubaraye Dakolo 2020 Gasp (The aftereffect of the Warri crisis of 1997): Theresa Ebi Tobuyei 2021 REFEREES Christian Adanu – 08065104830 - Director Research and Learning - Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI) Chorbe Joshua Gonlur – 08063583541 – Program Manager – Search for Common Ground

Mentoring philosophy

I believe in enhancing individuals and corporations to achieve beyond their current potential by being a catalyst for change and incremental development action

Previous experience as a mentor in any capacity? Please briefly describe your experience.

I have mentored series of organizations across Afica (Kenya, Lesotho, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda and NIgeria)
