Template Library for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Monitoring and response Plan, by Goleansixsigma (GLSS): https://goleansixsigma.com/monitoring-plan/ Data Collection Instrument Designing by YUMPU: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/48724951/data-collection-instruments-designing- M&E framework template, by Tools4dev: https://tools4dev.org/resources/me-framework-template/ Evaluation Plan template, by Evaluation Support Scotland: https://evaluationsupportscotland.org.uk/resources/evaluation-planning-template/ Interactive

Useful References for Data Management

Data base management for NGOs, by TolaData https://www.toladata.com/track-database-management-for-ngos/ Management Information Systems and Approaches to Data Integration – Manual for a Leadership and Transformation Curriculum on Building and Managing Social Protection

Data Management for NGOs

– Christian Oyigocho Adanu Introduction In today’s world, data is king, and this is especially true for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to make a positive impact on the world. Data-driven

Useful References for Gender Mainstreaming

What is Gender Mainstreaming, by Council of Europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/genderequality/what-is-gender-mainstreaming The five principles of gender mainstreaming, by City of Vienna, Office for Gender Mainstreaming.  https://www.wien.gv.at/english/administration/gendermainstreaming/principles/five-principles.html Gender and Social Inclusion toolkit, by

The ABC of Gender Mainstreaming in a Project

– Amina Baba Manu Gender mainstreaming in projects is a concept that takes into account how certain conditions and situations affect women and men differently. The concept of gender mainstreaming

Definition of Gender Related Terms

– Amina Baba Manu GENDER: socially constructed beliefs, expectations, customs and practices within a society that define ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ attributes, behaviours and roles and responsibilities. often specific to members

Useful References for Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilisation Toolkit, by Austrian Organisation for Development Cooperation Strengthening NGOs Capacity Through Resource Mobilization, by Roshini Muthukumar How to Mobilise Local Resources, by CroNGO —funded by the United States